an old note..but one of my favs...enjoy ;)

Somewhere along the line, I've actually noticed I have a lot of single friends. Strangely enough, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ever notice how sometimes u can really get along with some ppl and as soon as they get into a relationship, u hardly see them again? Not single friends.They're not bounded by a mate who wants to spend "quality time" with them conveniently on one of those rare occasions my social gland starts acting up and I'm actually in a liming mood.Nor are they caught up in the hype of this Valentine's Day nonsense when u have free reign of all the watering holes within (reasonable) driving distance since, on that day, all the other rummies are trying to get their liming visas stamped for the rest of the year.

Ah, liming Visa.

I think the main reason I really cherish my single friends is because as I settle onto each plateau in my life, everything eventually becomes constant and unchanging. Single friends are much more dynamic. U get to critique their latest passing fancy and thrash the old one. U get to say cool things like "he's not good enough for u babes" and "why are you selling yourself short for that bitch, man..fuck her sister and post it on youtube!" , which is slightly more entertaining than talking about whatever it is couples talk about with other couples...I wouldn't really know, I just zone out and txt a single bredrin to meet me there so I have a REAL drinking buddy besides that moustache sitting at my table who keeps his balls in his wife's purse.

Single friends fuckin' rule!


  1. Silvermike said...

    being single is nice, but all ure single friends will eventually get into a relationship, therefore ure setting ureself up for disappointment.

    A friendship should be based in balance, which can only be found in 2 balanced individuals. When someone is single, they arent as emotionally balanced as there coupled counterpart... meaning the part in their life a friend would have to play would be greater. When said indiviual gets into a relationship, that void is filled, the friend losses a bit of his relationship.

    However, having a coupled friend means u will always have a balanced relationship, and if anything, things can only get better for the friend if the relationship with his gf/bf ends.  

  2. NY3NE said...

    haha....I'll have to pull that youtube stunt one day. Single and 75% loving eeet. I have no idea why I picked that number.  


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