Elevator Life

Yes, elevator life; we all know it:

  • That feeling of discomfort obtained while standing next to a stranger in a confined space.
  • The primary notion that one is required to ask rhetorical question such as "What's up?" or "How ya going?" if you even vaguely know the person.
  • The way you can tell that person is in a good mood if they ask "What floor?"
  • The secondary notion that you never, ever, under any circumstances make eye contact.
  • The fact that you both stare at the flashing LEDs so as to avoid eye contact.
  • The insecure idiot who presses his floor button multiple times like it's going to turbocharge the elevator and hit warp speed.
  • The smelly fart you let out while alone, only for the elevator to stop on a new floor.
  • The fact that every living soul must reach for their dead signal cell phone as if God is about to call.
  • The pimple face lovers that are making out, almost as if to rub in your face like they're hot shit. rolleyes
  • The retarded conversations people either begin or continue once aboard. No one cares about your score in Guitar Hero you dildo --> take a hint and STFU!
  • And the worst of the worst: the fat, lazy alien cocksucker who takes the elevator to the 2nd or 3rd floor (always happens when you're running late).



Copyright NY3NE 2008