Every once in a while I search craigslist for shits'n'giggles. If you've never passed through the W4M section, try it some time, you'll be amazed at some of the posts.
It's no surprise most of the girls are wharf rats. Where as a good looking woman gets attention from men every day (be it looks, free drinks etc) an unattractive woman gets squat and must therefore seek alternative means to be reminded of her value. By making a single post, her inbox is flodded and she can sift through hundreds of emails with offers of penis.
Despite the plethora of undesirables, every once in a while you find what looks like a diamond in the rough; a seed of hope in a pile of Congo shit.
Now while this chick isn't anything amazing (I'd give her a 7 at most), she's a super model compared to what you normally see. I refer to exhibit WTF:
Imagine waking up next to that Where's batman when you need him?
What was going through her head when she decided to post this pic? Once my shallow tendencies subsided, a wave of melancholy fell over me as I contemplated how difficult life must be when you're cursed with the mutated genes of a penguin and heroine addict. On a more serious note, it must suck donkey balls for girls who aren't considered objectively good looking by society. Moreso when you're just plain fugly.
I'm especially picky when it comes to emailing a craigslist chick. Like a myspace/facebook profile they'll often take the best of 100 photos making sure it's from the shoulders up. Last thing you want to do is go on a blind date with a girl who looked like an 8 and turns out to be a 5 or 6.
A persons vocabulary and writing style can say a lot about their character. Let's analyze some of todays posts:
Need Someone Extremely Wealthy for Help - 19Translation --> I'm going to ass rape your credit card
cute chubby and frustrated - 24Transaltion --> I'm overweight and ignorant
Can you impress me? - 24Translation --> Can you stroke my ego? I seek validation.
Can I please have your attention? - 23Transaltion --> I'm a control freak
Princess looking for her Prince no frogs - 24Transaltion --> I live in a fantasy world of unrealistic expectations
I may be strange, even weird, but there is never a dull moment! - 22Transaltion -->
This girl looked like the catch of the day. Here she is again. Her post read:
Really I have no idea why Im using this route to date.
Im actually at a loss for words here and thats never usually the case. Its hard to word it correctly to reel you in so I figure Ill just ramble and tell you who I am and what I want. I think if you really like somebody and trust them, they should be trusted to make the right decision when it comes to females as friends and going out with the boys. I would like to get to know someone before I jump into any kind of relationship. I mean the worst that can happen is that I make a new awesome friend, RIGHT?
I was a gymnas t and can st ill do the splits- -so I a m very flexib le. If y our i nterested send me a m essage and i will go i nto fur ther de tail.
sidenote: on second thought, this girl sounds too good to be true. I'd faster expect it to be an April Fool's prank.