I found myself watching this informative though somewhat deceptive documentary. When looking at a film, the first thing I ask myself is: "What's this persons objective? They are trying to convince me that [insert conspiracy theory here]"

I for one have been hindering a growing attachment for conspiracy documentaries, but I deny myself the delicious indulgence of regurgitating something I saw on Google video to those not in the know. I watch these videos and want to think I'm above all this shady behavior, that-unlike the neo-liberal, cubicle dwelling, mouseketeers watching YouTube and checking Facebook-I'm somehow above that. But am I?

It's unfair to just think we are all so obtuse and blind, unaware of what's happening around us. Of course we know that government, corporations, media and banks control our lives. But I cannot embellish such theories unless you propose a motherfucking solution. Oh, no solution? Then move along donkey dick.

They make it sound like we are going to drop everything and start the anarchist V for Vendetta style movement. WTF? I'm young and informed...I, a victim of neo-liberalism, know more than your better judgment presumes I do.

I know that pharmaceutical companies patent genes while mothers die of breast cancer since it's too expensive to buy the rights necessary to study the protein. I know the soy in that soy in your late comes from beans which were genetically modified. I know the companies that own these patents must capitalize on their discovery in order to compensate for expenses surmounted during R&D. I know that this is the first sign of a failed system.

I know that our economy (subsystem) is geared for growth where as the biosphere (the parent system) remains the same size; we are quickly displacing the biosphere because our economy is geared toward the endless pursuit of growth. That human beings are selfish and will only think as far as themselves, their progeny, their profits and their 401K. That guy who hit 40 yesterday and bought a corvette doesn't give a rats ass about melting glaciers...he's thinking about:

1. Enjoying the money he's managed to save after being ass raped by the IRS and having worked for his entire life since the age of three.
2. Picking up a hot blonde so he can get his dick wet.
3. Enjoying the adrenaline rush of a 7 Liter V8 and hitting 200 mph.

I know that we'll never attempt sustainable design until we rethink corporate economic globalization. That until people change their mental attachment to materialistic possessions habits wont change. That until the government, investment bankers, lobbyists and politicians find something that makes just as money as fossil fuels they won't provide incentives or procure change....no, to them change is bad.

I know that industrialization has caused this. That advances in technology and medicine mean that more people live, reproduce and consume the products which corporations manufacture by pillaging the earth; it's trees, animals, soil, seas, wetlands and air. I know that future generations might will either not survive or survive to see a hot baron rock.

I know while the media portrays Hugo Chavez as a fascist, totalitarian monster, his ascendancy into power was one of the most democratic examples that the united states could learn from. Moreover, his actions since being voted into power exemplify his use of monetary sources for the betterment of the impoverished, ie the majority of the people in his country...not the minority making all the money off the oil who used the media as a tool to maintain power and propagate the conception of him as Castro's partner in crime.

I know the reason Washington dislikes Chavez is, not only because he controls the worlds 3rd largest source for oil, but because he represents such radical socio-economic change in which the government is controlled by the people and not the panoptic, Orwellian way around.

I know that women are no longer the way they used to be. That finding one that can hold a conversation and not your credit car is a journey within itself. That they are insecure and confused, unlike the last generation of strong, confident, loving women: women who bent over for men (no pun intended). Women who sacrificed for their spouse and family...often too much but nevertheless out of love. Now woman are the opposite...they seek complete self interest, ignoring anyone else's needs until theirs are fulfilled.

Let's face the reality I'm a sheep, you're a sheep...we're all slaves to something. Even if you're a god damn hobbit that lives in the woods, a tall, pipe smoking wizard will find you and some weakness to exploit...he'll find your precioussss.

There are too many distractions if you look around. And while drugs and alcohol might do it for most, money is the true red meat which distracts the watchdog of the mind. EVERYONE can find some route to happiness with money....right?

As much as I want to believe there are greedy men of almost insurmountable wealth who play the world like a craps game, it's easier for me to believe we're all sheep to some opiate that has managed to displace "true" happiness (aka love). I'm sure the greedy NWO bankers are brewing a diabolical scheme, the effects of which trickle down to materialistic slavery. However, in the greater scheme of things, the problem is more of an individual one- self imposed slavery that I fear we are far from abandoning much less ostracizing when the power of Prada compels you.

I'm quite demanding of myself when it comes to adopting a revised position on some controversial subject. Immediately adopting a new stance on something which is larger and more complex than a video found on google is akin to walking on thin ice. It's dangerous and lazy to believe you understand the world and it's idiosyncrasies via a neat little compressed package.

It's a lot harder to go and read up those sources and see if they're full of shit or the person did their homework. Unlike most, I actually like to know what the fuck I'm talking about. So when faced with a hot headed techie ready to shit his pants with anticipation on debating the N95 vs. iPhone I can easly pwn his ass. Game, set, match moi.

Within every joke, story, or statement there an epithet of ones disposition, an unspoken allegiance to some culture or dogma. People want to convince you of their views, so as to reaffirm their belief system, gratify their intelligence, and thus appease their ego.

This is not true of everyone, but just something you have to be mindful of when communication becomes unidirectional. That is to say: watching TV, a movie, reading a book, even conversing with a person who's voice accounts for 95% of the time during your verbal exchange. When communication is interactive or multi directional, you are not a passive observer anymore. You now play a role in deciding the content. This is why mobile video has been so successful...you're not limited by the remote anymore, you ARE the network, broadcaster and signal.

With documentaries like Sicko, Fahrenheit 911, Roger and I, Bowling for Columbine and the video I just watched-you are a passive observer for over two hours. By the time you walk out the cinema you are all motivated and political for no more than 5 minutes before you forget and go back to your rudimentary lethargic life...baaa



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